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Simple and elegant traditional Chinese style dragon boat festival ppt template

Simple and elegant traditional Chinese style Dragon Boat Festival ppt template, this template has a total of 15P, elegant ink mountains and rivers background, simple traditional Chinese style layout design, auspicious clouds, zongzi dragon boat, zongzi, bamboo leaves, Qu Yuan and other Dragon Boat Festival material pictures, suitable for Dragon Boat Festival theme courseware , Traditional cultural propaganda and other scenarios of the Dragon Boat Festival ppt template.

Simple and elegant traditional Chinese style Dragon Boat Festival ppt template, this template has a total of 15P, elegant ink mountains and rivers background, simple traditional Chinese style layout design, auspicious clouds, zongzi dragon boat, zongzi, bamboo leaves, Qu Yuan and other Dragon Boat Festival material pictures, suitable for Dragon Boat Festival theme courseware , Traditional cultural propaganda and other scenarios of the Dragon Boat Festival ppt template.

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