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Nuclear Energy Campaign

The debate is on. Nuclear energy has saved some countries from power shortage, since it's reliable and carbon-free, but some of its disadvantages have to do with nuclear waste and high costs. Trying to cater to both sides of the debate, we've designed this new template. You'll see that the main color is green, related to ecology, and the illustrations of nuclear power plants emit leaves from their big smokestacks. Does that mean that we should be in favor of a transition toward other energy sources? Does that mean that nuclear energy isn't as bad as some groups affirm? Customize the slides according to your point of view. Who knows, do you imagine the spokesperson of both sides bringing the same design to the debate?

The debate is on. Nuclear energy has saved some countries from power shortage, since it's reliable and carbon-free, but some of its disadvantages have to do with nuclear waste and high costs. Trying to cater to both sides of the debate, we've designed this new template. You'll see that the main color is green, related to ecology, and the illustrations of nuclear power plants emit leaves from their big smokestacks. Does that mean that we should be in favor of a transition toward other energy sources? Does that mean that nuclear energy isn't as bad as some groups affirm? Customize the slides according to your point of view. Who knows, do you imagine the spokesperson of both sides bringing the same design to the debate?

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