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International Infinity Day

Did you know that there is an infinity day? When do you think it is celebrated? That's right! The 8th of the 8th month (August), of course. And the fact is that 8 is a number with a lot of meaning. We encourage you to share the history of this special date with this nice and cheerful template in gradient purple color and waves that give it a sense of dynamism. Share the curiosities around this number!

Did you know that there is an infinity day? When do you think it is celebrated? That's right! The 8th of the 8th month (August), of course. And the fact is that 8 is a number with a lot of meaning. We encourage you to share the history of this special date with this nice and cheerful template in gradient purple color and waves that give it a sense of dynamism. Share the curiosities around this number!

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