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Book Recommendations

There’s nothing better than reading, and a good book recommendation is worth its weight in gold! This template is perfect to highlight your favorites in a way that is visually interesting and exciting. With illustrations and slides that can be filled with everything from plot summaries to lists of characters, it lets you present books in a way that makes it irresistible to not be curious about them. So fill it with explanations about your favorite novels or nonfiction tomes, and help people discover them!

There’s nothing better than reading, and a good book recommendation is worth its weight in gold! This template is perfect to highlight your favorites in a way that is visually interesting and exciting. With illustrations and slides that can be filled with everything from plot summaries to lists of characters, it lets you present books in a way that makes it irresistible to not be curious about them. So fill it with explanations about your favorite novels or nonfiction tomes, and help people discover them!

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